Urban design

Nordens Plads

Nordens Plads

Year: 2019
Over the last 10 years, traffic on the highways in Copenhagen has increased by 32 per cent. Since the payment ring was given up, there is a need for innovative solutions to stop the increasing number of private vehicles going into the city, leading to higher pollution levels and longer travel times. 

This Parkeringsring is an efficient and environment friendly answer. It proposes strategically placed Transport Hubsalong the roads with heavy car flows, near main train stations. They serve as free parking, transport transition and meeting points. Commuters can leave cars and easily switch to the greener options of public transport or bicycles, reducing the traffic overload. 

Norden Plads Transport Hub- A New Urban Square

One of the hubs is located in NordenPlads. The space is redeveloped to create an efficient transport hub, facilitating intermodal transfers while reactivating the neighborhood through sustainable, inclusive and inviting public spaces.

Functional efficiency

Main parking areas are underground, directly accessible from Nordens pl. and Helge Rodes Alle. The parking areas have direct access to public buildings, housing diverse recreational and commercial spaces, public amenities and various green terraces.

Nordens Plads

Spatial Design

The site is in close proximity to Domusvista, and the stepped high-rise form of our built mass is a response to both context and privacy. Public spaces are on the lower levels, connected by a series of terraces. Office spaces and residences are further up, respectively. 

Potential for future expansion

Our aim is that the Parkeringsring will act as a catalyst, the first in a series of similar transit hubs allowing smooth transition to public transport. The revenue generated by the residential and office spaces will allow parking to remain free.

Nordens Plads